Women Without Borders
Agreement n° 2022-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000081394

Erasmus+  Partnership for cooperation

01/12/2022 - 31/12/2024


Sintagmi - coordinator Italy, Casa seis - Portugal, Migrant Women Association Malta


Contribute to eradicate the gender--based discrimination and violence from women’s point of view.

Improve the capacity of women, educators and professionals in term of intercultural appropriateness and efficacy

Create a transnational network for future development


Transnational Learning activities involving women and educators, together, to develop an educational strategy to support women and to prevent discrimination and violence.

Informal learning experiences at local level, co-designing and testing the final results and validate them.

Co-design and deliver educational resources based on universal languages to be disseminated among educators and institutions


Have been validated an innovative gender based, intercultural and inclusive educational approach for women recovery, gender-based discriminations and violence prevention;

have developed cross-cultural digital tools for educators and professionals working in: adult education, youth, VET, High school, Health, Policy and Social sectors.

Have improved the partnership’s competences and services Networking with organizations from different contexts.

Go to the web site

23 Agosto 2024

Beatriz Fontana meets E+ Women Without Borders

The series: testimonies and inspirations Bia (Beatriz) Fontana, Brasileira, nascida em Caxias do Sul, RS, atualmente residente em Porto Alegre, RS. Professora, feminista, antifascista, doutora em Letras, […]
23 Agosto 2024


“to all the women who use their voices to make sure others feel heard” These are our free voices Join our voices!
12 Giugno 2024

E+ WWB Laboratorio “Voci libere senza confini”

Free Voices Without Borders Lab MAROCCO Zia Habìba era convinta che tutte noi avessimo dentro della magia, intessuta nei nostri sogni. “Quando ci si trova in […]
12 Giugno 2024

E+ WWB Learning activity in Italy

Un video racconto dell’attività di apprendimento transnazionale in Italia, 18-21 Maggio 2024   INSIEME, DALL’ITALIA, LIBIA, PORTOGALLO, BRASILE, MAROCCO, POLONIA, CAPO VERDE, SUDAN…   GUARDA IL […]
8 Novembre 2023

E+ WWB Learning activity in Malta

26 Settembre 2023

“Nha Mama” and Women Without Borders

The Rings of Saturn Theater Group of Casa Seis took to the stage of the Livio de Morais House of Culture for the presentation of the […]
11 Luglio 2023

E+ WWB “batuko and cachupa” feminine community rites in Portugal

Musical traditions from Africa are reborn in Cabo Verde as batuko (derived from the Portuguese verb meaning “to beat”), a genre that features polyrhythm and call and response performed by […]
10 Luglio 2023

E+ WWB Learning activity in Portugal

The partner groups ( from Italy and Portugal – originally from: Brazil, Italy, Sudan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Portugal) and 20 women and girls from the Community of […]
10 Luglio 2023

Sharon Mijares meets E+ Women Without Borders

The series: testimonies and inspirations Sharon Mijares, Ph.D. Psychologist, Professor & Author. She has  authored/edited seven books specifically focusing on psychospiritual, women’s empowerment, and cultural development. […]
17 Febbraio 2023

The Women Without Borders web site is online!

17 Febbraio 2023

Erasmus+ Women Without Borders starts in Malta

ERASMUS+ PROJECT “WOMEN WITHOUT BORDERS” 2022-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000081394 to contribute to eradicate the gender–based discrimination and violence. 2022-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000081394 Coordinated by Sintagmi impresa sociale IT, in partnership with Casa […]
5 Dicembre 2022

Erasmus+ Women Without Borders al via

Una nuova partnership per la cooperazione cofinanziata dal Programma Erasmus+ e coordinata da Sintagmi Impresa sociale con partner di Portogallo e Malta Obiettivi Inclusione e diversità: […]