”Different ways of self-relisation in the European community”
Sono partner del progetto, oltre alla Sintagmi, per l’Italia,
agenzie di Estonia, Portogallo e Turchia

Training and international meeting in Italy
The project topic
is discovering opportunities for self-realisation of disadvantaged groups in the European community. Partner institutions and their adult learners from Estonia, Portugal, Italy and Turkey share their best practices, exchange ideas and work out a supportive course for the unemployed who would like to become actively involved in the labour market. 10-hour course will include the topics of different ways of self-realisation (employment, entrepreneurship, volunteering, farming, etc.), overview of the European labour market, stories of success from each partner country, methods and activities that are used by the partners for meeting learners’ needs in the best way and supporting them in finding their way in life.
Self-realisation in the European community means in this project finding a place in the labour market which would give a person the work in which their competences would develop in the best way and contribute to the needs and objectives of society. The disadvantaged groups we focus on are people with immigrant background and people from rural areas who moved to towns.
The project activities include visiting partner institutions and exchanging best practices (representatives of partner institutions and adult learners); gathering ideas and materials for implementing them in everyday activities (priority is given to non-formal methods and active involvement of the target group); working out a supportive course for adults (10 hours); promoting alternative ways of self-realisation in the labour market.
Representatives of disadvantaged groups (learners of partner organisations) are involved in the project work as members of the working groups.
Target group
In Europe the population is ageing, social exclusion is high and there are 80 million of low-skilled adults whose future looks increasingly marginal (European Guide. Strategies for Improving participation in and awareness of adult learning. 2012). According to the European Guide learning brings important benefits for adults’ social inclusion and personal fulfilment.
Participation in learning helps people to secure a constructive and active role in their local communities and in society at large. The tasks of adult training providers are to participate in local and national networks, encourage exchange of staff and know-how and implement projects for adult learners engagement.
The target groups in the project are adult learners who either have immigrant background or came from rural areas to towns, but who could not find their place in the labour market and are unemployed. They feel lost and unneeded in the society.
They do not take part in any long-term training, because they do not know what they want and what helps them to find work.
They tried many times to find a job, but were always rejected. It is crucial for us to provide the training that meets their needs and requirements of the labour market at the same time, promotes new thinking skills which can make individuals more efficient and more competitive in a global economy.
The project addresses the problems of high unemployment rates of disadvantaged groups and their risk of social exclusion. With our activities we hope to widen perspectives of the target groups, to help them to see various variants in their lives and to follow their own way but being active members of society.
To achieve our objectives we have created the partnership of organisations from different parts of Europe and involve adult learners at every stage of the project.
Working in the project we use andragogical approach.
Within andragogy, adult learners are expected to be active as well as involved in the identification of their learning needs and the planning of how those needs are satisfied.
The team of coordinating organisation are certified andragogues/ adult trainers.